In 1987, after teaching for ten years, Peggi Fournier joined Paul Dodd, who at the time was doing freelance graphic arts, in forming a business called 4D Advertising. We did work for big and small companies as well as individuals. “Whatever comes along,” as we used to say. Our work evolved as the graphic arts field did, from paste-up to web design. These are some of the logos we designed for the businesses we worked with.

This Rochester company did a lot of industrial fabrication. I’m still hoping you can see “W” unfolding from the three “A”s.

Back in the nineties, before the internet, the Refrigerator was a local zine. Twenty eight print editions were produced before the website was launched. I spotted this lettering in Spain on a sign that read “SEBO.” I constructed the other characters. Thought about making a wood type version with Virgin Woodtype.

Magna Carta is a progressive rock label with artists such as Terry Bozio and Tony Levin.

I can’t remember what this organization did but it was connected to DuPont. Clean, corporate, generic.

Print Bid Online was a short-lived company that helped customers secure competitive printing quotes.

Pyramid Art Gallery moved uptown and changed its name to Rochester Contemporary

Before Atlas Eats and after Rochester Club, Gerry Brinkman ran Gerry’s.

Earring Records released albums by Personal Effects, Colorblind James, The Wilderness Family, Absolute Grey, SLT, The Essentials, Pete LaBonne and Invisible Idiot.

Joe Squared, in Baltimore, Maryland, makes square pizzas! I also came up with the slogan.

Clear Eye was a distributer of wholesale natural foods. It was such a kick to see tractor trailers with this logo on it.

Cylinder Sound, a state of the art studio located behind the Bug Jar, became the home of JoyWave.

Owner Tom Kohn asked me to base the Bop Shop logo on an old record cover. The “Bop Shop” type face came from a sheet of press type. I used the same font and the same sheet of press type, for the Freetime logo.

Alliance Barter grew out of the Rochester Trade Exchange. Companies who joined were paid in trade dollars which they could spend at any of the other members’ businesses. Of course the Exchange took a cut. We bought some Oriental Rugs and kitchen appliances with the money.

We did a lot of work for Customericity and DuPont. As I remember, this organization was one that many different companies would join for some altruistic reason.