Peggi didn’t know I was taking this photo until she turned around. (see Steve’s comment below) She was battling the Flash encoder in order to post a movie on the Kazoo site. The five gallon water container shown here is empty. It’s the last one we will ever drink from. In fact I’m going to throw the whole dispenser out. It looks ridiculous anyway. We have had bottled water delivered for years and now we read that the plastic leaches hormones. I was wondering why I was hitting so many home runs lately. Good thing 4D doesn’t have a drug testing policy. I always suspected we would be better off drinking tap water.
Xerox moved their corporate headquarters out of town but they are still one of Rochester’s biggest employers. The word “Xerox” was formerly synonymous with a “copy” but they don’t even make copiers anymore. Does Kodak even make film anymore? And how about the fact that both of these Rochester companies have names that begin and end with the same consonant? Kodak was first so I guess that makes Xerox the “copy” cats. And then along comes Lowel where our buddy, Duane Sherwood works.
When Xerox announced their new logo, a spokesman was quoted as saying that it was a “significant multimillion-dollar marketing investment.” Multimillion for this? Why didn’t they hire 4D? We would have done this job for $5000. And that would have included five rounds of revisions, online/telephone review and the provision that we not be included in any of their committee meetings. We would have saved them $4,995,000.
Back in the early 60s, Kodak had a huge sign on the roof at Lake and Ridge. Mammoth red neon letters told everyone they were entering KODAK PARK territory. The name “Kodak” was across the top with the word “Park” beneath it. The letters were individual neon units and mounted on a structure of angle iron that was visible during the day but not really seen at night. And so you could make out the letters from behind, too. It was always a big joke in my family that it spelled KADOK KRAP from the backside.
coud at least have got peggi smiling, does she have any editorial control over this blog, and kodak did just announce they will no longer make film
Thank you Steve!
I keep seeing a basketball when I look at that logo.