Who Needs A Better Mouse Trap?

Dead mouse in our basement
Dead mouse in our basement

We have noticed faint scratching sounds coming from under the floor in our bedroom for a few weeks now. So Peggi picked up a couple of old fashioned mouse traps. (I guess they wouldn’t be “mice traps” unless each trap was intended to catch more than one mouse at a time.) They recommended peanut butter as bait so we gave them the good stuff, Wegmans Natural Chunky Peanut Butter. And wow did they take the bait! I set them before dinner (ours and the mice) and had two trapped when I checked after dinner. I loaded them up a second time and had two more by morning. I thought we would hear the traps snap when they went off but after I found this guy I realized the neck of the mice cushions the blow. This guy could use some teeth whitener.


3 Replies to “Who Needs A Better Mouse Trap?”

  1. I thought the kitty cats are supposed to take care of the mouse situation … keep them in line and all that.

  2. guys. You know I think the world of you and
    appreciate everything you’ve done for me –
    but the picture of the mouse with the snapped
    backbone is, to me, offensive. And the “funny”
    comments make it even sadder.

    Are the deer in your backyard next?

    Please don’t get mad at this but if I say it, there
    must be many more thinking it but unwilling to
    risk hurting your feelings. I’ll risk that because
    it’s so shocking to me.

    I’ve always said I could kill a person before I
    could kill an animal. Tracy used to laugh when
    I would rescue and toss out the window maimed
    flies Sunday had stunned. Dumb, I know – but isn’t
    there enough killing in the world without two of the
    most civilized people on earth I know celebrating a
    death – if only a ‘minor’ one?

    Was this a test?

  3. Paolo, honestly, if you had a mouse infestation in your home threatening to spread their diseases to you and your loved ones, you wouldn’t feel so sympathetic toward the vermin. I’m a huge animal lover. I’ve spent many hours volunteering to help care for injured wildlife. I have two rescued cats and a rescued cockatiel. I spend a fortune feeding the birds in my neighborhood. But you know what? Mice took over our garage this winter, and they also moved in the attic. I tried using non-lethal methods (repellents and live traps), but they weren’t doing much, if anything. When I heard scratching in the walls in the bird’s room, it was war. I picked up some snap traps, and have trapped and killed over 20 mice so far. The problem finally seems to be mostly resolved. Am I celebrating these deaths? You’re damn right I am.

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