Pure As Poetry

Small trees in icy creek in Durand Eastman Park
Small trees in icy creek in Durand Eastman Park

I’ve found I have to turn the tv on pretty early in order to catch the live Premier League games from England. If I tune in at noon I’ve already missed them. There are sometimes four games on simultaneously so I can always find one that looks good. I don’t have any favorite teams or favorite players, I just like watching the motion with the sound off. A good game is like a German Expressionist drawing, all angular and emphatic but as pure as poetry. Today I watched AVL battle SWA to a 1-1 tie.

With most of the snow melted we headed over to the garden to check on our cilantro. Sure enough it was still kicking and we got reacquainted. It tastes great in anything but I like like straight out of the garden. The hill leading down into the woods was slippery so we traversed our way down and spent some time looking at these small trees in the frozen creek.