“Embracing the Uncharted”

The highway department got cute this holiday season and had their signs alternate between "If You Drive Under The Influence" and "You Are Out Of Your Mind." I tried photographing the second part.
The highway department got cute this holiday season and had their signs alternate between “If You Drive Under The Influence” and “You Are Out Of Your Mind.” I tried photographing the second part.

I asked ChatGPT to “Write a short blog post for New Years in the style of Paul Dodd.” It came up with the heading above and this:

“As we bid farewell to the old and embrace the uncharted terrain of the new, let us channel the spirit of Paul Dodd and embark on a journey of self-discovery and growth.

In the canvas of time, each stroke of the clock paints a unique masterpiece, and the stroke of midnight on New Year’s Eve is a symbol of renewal. Dodd’s approach to art teaches us to find beauty in the imperfections, much like the tapestry of our lives.

As the year turns, let us not just make resolutions but rather, let’s sculpt intentions. Dodd’s artistry lies in the ability to capture the essence of the moment, to freeze time with a stroke of his brush. Similarly, let us freeze our aspirations in the frame of purpose, creating a roadmap for the months ahead.

In the spirit of Paul Dodd, let’s not fear the blank canvas of the year ahead but instead, embrace it with open hearts. May we paint our stories with courage, resilience, and a touch of the extraordinary.

As the clock ticks, let the stroke of midnight be a celebration of the infinite possibilities that lie ahead. Here’s to a year of artful living, where each day is a canvas waiting to be adorned with the colors of joy, love, and purpose. Happy New Year!”

Hear, hear!


3 Replies to ““Embracing the Uncharted””

  1. This may refer to you and your life endeavors, but does not read as in your “style”. A couple of references to your “spirit” has an obituary tinge. As with the AI attempt at replicating your voice, it falls short, although there are a couple of nice sentiments. You are inimitable! Nice try AI!

  2. In the canvas of time, each stroke of the clock paints a unique masterpiece, and the stroke of midnight on New Year’s Eve is a symbol of renewal. Dodd’s approach to art teaches us to find beauty in the imperfections, much like the tapestry of our lives.

    1. Canvas of time — PD? No
    2. Can a stroke of the clock “paint” ? –No
    3. Canvas of time, stroke of the clock, unique masterpiece — cliche, out of date, repetition – a masterpiece IS unique; don’t use ‘unique’ on top of masterpiece
    4. Tapestry of our lives — cliche, ALSO Carole King anyone?
    4. Embracing the Uncharted. I do not believe a PD post would “embrace’ much, let alone the “unchartered” — this is a mixed metaphor, is it not, plus just off.

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