Does anybody else miss the Paul Bunyan statue that used to hover over the intersection of Portland Avenue and North Street? Ah, but that is what black and white photos are for.
The local gas and electric monopoly came down our street a few years ago laying new gas lines and moving every house’s gas meter outside. Easier for the meter reader to keep to see[ track of your usage. Fr some reason thy were unable to move ours so the guy rings the bell every couple of months and goes down in our basement with a flashlight. Today when he got here I was outside playing horseshoes with Tom Burke. The meter reader, with dreadlocks, was dressed in day-glow and Tom asked him if he wanted to throw a few. He did, two down and two back, but he never hit the pit. I thought about taking a photo but I wouldn’t want to get the guy in trouble.
Sorry to hear about your injury. I do believe you owe the world a short video of you crawling around the house.
PS: the NHPA says a point is a shoe within 6″ of the peg (same as inside to outside). Now with your injury I might have half a chance to compete with your scoring prowess.
Thanks for posting the picture of the Paul Bunyan statue! It brings back some nicer memories of downtown when I was a boy. I often tagged along with my father, when going to Hartmann’s Sausage Shop (usually once a month). On the way back home, he’d always make sure to drive by the statue for me to see. I was sad years later when noticing it had been taken down. It’s a pity seeing the vandalism & litter in this picture, some things I don’t miss of downtown.
Regarding the location, I’m almost certain it was at the corner of Hudson & Nash, not Portland & North St. Standing at Hudson & Nash nowadays (or using Google Street View), you’ll notice the same landscape, most of the same landmarks, the same trees that have since grown a bit, & even the pole that held Paul.
Cheers all the same.
This was originally at the gas station on the corner of north and nash in the 60s and then later moved to hudson and nash!