Man Improves Nature

Fallen tree in Spring Valley before Mr. Bulldozer Man
Fallen tree in Spring Valley before Bulldozer Man plowed a mud highway through one of the prettiest parts of Durand Eastman Park

When I retire I might just hang around the hall of Justice all day. There are so many interesting characters coming and going, court workers, lawyers, the cops and undercover cops, the gang bangers, the accused and their families, the judges and Bulldozer Man. Today’s proceedings were pretty swift. Two lawyers huddled with Judge Elliot. There was some chuckling involved but we couldn’t quite hear what was being said. Monroe County’s attorney wants restitution and Bulldozer Man’s attorney argued that his client was only doing improvements to the park. A new court date was set for 1:30 on November 10th. The fallen tree above is no longer lying across the path through Durand Eastman Park. The BullDozer Man and his crew removed it before they plowed their new mud highway through one of the prettiest parts of the woods.

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