
Bowling Alley in Watertown New York
Bowling Alley in Watertown New York

I’ve been chasing down a tiny little leak in our roof for the last few years. It is somewhere near our skylight and I have dabbed black roof cement everywhere up there. It is headed into the seventies this week so I’m thinking of getting up on the roof this afternoon and going at it again so that the stuff melts and seals this thing. These sorts of projects are more fun than web work these days.

As presidents of the neighborhood pool, we scheduled a pool closing get together for Saturday. Peggi sent out an email blast to the street and so far three households say they can’t make it. Why would anyone want to be president? In our case it is a rotating obligation but what is compelling Obama and McCain to do this? McCain wants to be Commander in Chief and I’m not sure why Obama is in this race but I am routing for him. I’m thinking of leaving painting class early so I can catch the action in tonight’s so called debate.

Who came up with this bogus format anyway? The hall is full of undecided voters and they get to ask the questions. Why should we care what anyone who has not been able to pick between these two yet thinks? I know that sounds kind of elitist. Giuliani threw out huge slabs of red meat to the crowd at the GOP convention. How about they pass out tomatoes and we decide which candidate to throw the stuff at? That’s not elitist.

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