Everyone’s A Winner

Cynthia Hawkins "A Priori Map S6 2023 at Rochester Contemporary
Cynthia Hawkins “A Priori Map S6 2023 at Rochester Contemporary

I remember a Little League coach going out of his way to make sure everyone on the team got an equal amount of playing time. I wanted to win and I thought that approach was crazy. If Diego Simeone coached Atletico Madrid like that he would be fired. A community supported art gallery must be as inclusive as possible. Not all the shows are going to be winners. IMHP this one is.

Ronald Mario Gonzalez artwork at Rochester Contemporary
Ronald Mario Gonzalez artwork at Rochester Contemporary

These two artists are featured in the main galleries. “David Cowles: Roc Stars” is in the Lab Space and a elekhlekha moving image on view in the multimedia room. Hope you can stop out.

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