Piece Of Cake

Paint spots in road on Lind Street in Rochester, New York
Paint spots in road on Lind Street in Rochester, New York

I was so happy to find it raining this morning. It was so dark we had to turn the lights on to read the paper. We were planning to meet the neighbors down at the pool to take down a dead tree and the rain would put that off. I really grew to like rainy days when I was working construction. The days off were so cozy.

Ah, but the sun was out by eleven and we headed down there with our work gloves on. Rick came down with his video camera and Phil climbed a ladder and tied a rope around the tree about fifteen feet up and then Jared pulled the rope taught with his tractor in the direction that we wanted the tree to fall. We cut the wedge with a chainsaw in a perpendicular orientation to the direction of the rope and on the same side of the tree as the direction we want it to fall in. The wedge is cut approximately a third of the way through. On the other side of the tree we cut straight in, again perpendicular to the direction we want it to fall but six inches higher up than the wedge was. The tree is only held up by a wedge in the center and a gentle tug on the rope encouraged it to fall into the open wedge and land right where we wanted it.

Margaret Explosion tonight. Here’s a song from last Wednesday. Pete LaBonne plays piano.

Listen to Ballad of John Gilmore by Margaret Explosion
1 Comment

One Reply to “Piece Of Cake”

  1. Can you send me the recording of the first piece from the second set last night? I know the beginning is probably messed up cause I saw Bob fiddling with the recorder but I think a snippet might work for a video I’m doing.

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