This is the earliest picture of Steve that I have. He was my assigned roommate in the dorm my freshman year at Indiana University. This was our crew. I’m thinking the photo was by Rich or Kim since both them were missing. Steve was from New Castle, a small town outside of Indianapolis. His father owned a jewelry store on the town square and there was a Chrysler factory outside of town. Steve was already a junior and he drove a white Baracuda with Led Zeppelin’s first album in the 8-track player.
Steve called us yesterday to report in. He was excited to have an appointment this Wednesday for the first dose of the vaccine. He had bought GameStop stock, sold some, made fifty bucks a share and he was hanging on to some options. He works part time at a car dealer in Charleston and had to drive a new vehicle to the other side of Atlanta, a 600 mile round trip. He was upset because he missed his grandson’s basketball game that day where he scored five points.
Steve asked if he had told us that he was being sued. He hadn’t. He was driving a company car, about to make a left hand turn and And the bicyclist ran into each other. The guy (Steve called him a wino) was riding the wrong way down a one way street. He fell off his bike and he is claiming he has headaches and soft tissue damage.
Steve owns some rental property and the tenant says the water pressure is too weak. She is threatening to move out. Steve says he can’t work on the place because the woman is a hoarder and she has stuff all over the place.
Steve said his next door neighbor told him that Biden would not be inaugurated. Steve bet him one hundred dollars that he would be inaugurated. The neighbor has not paid.
Essential post.
My neighbor finally paid me. He called me later to ask if I still had the C note. I told him I had spent it at the grocery. He asked me if I had noticed he had pasted Donald Trumps face where Ben Franklin resides. I hadn’t. On the picture up top that is Irving Wise and David Jolly on the far right. I can’t place the girl in the back.
Hi Paul. Nice pic of our old gang. I don’t remember you as a soccer player? Was that you with me on my motorcycle once getting stopped by a cop because you had a pot on your head in lieu of a helmet? I saw mary a few years back, she was in town for a big guitar show. We had lunch and I heard her play. She was demonstrating guitars made by the great Linda Manzer.