Angels And Demons At Play

El Destructo Sun Ra painting at Record Archive in Rochester. New York
El Destructo Sun Ra painting at Record Archive in Rochester. New York

The Ramp Gallery at Record Archive is an awkward space for art but no more more so than the sloping Guggenheim in NYC. The intense yellow walls could take the life out of most paintings. The store itself is an awkward space for anything visual. Everything in there screams or gets lost. El Destructo easily overcame the challenge with a sensational display of recent paintings, many of them versions of paintings he has sold in the past like the three Bride paintings in this show. The Sun Ra painting above already had a sold sticker on it when we got there.

We had already been to another record store last night. We had stopped in the Bop Shop to pick up tickets to Dave Leibman’s show at the Lovin’ Cup and I couldn’t help but notice the difference in the vibe. You want hang out out at the Archive, and shop, and listen to music. You want to browse and get distracted and laugh. The new lounge area in the back is like something out of a dream. You could picture Bobby Darin coming out from behind a curtain and taking the stage. And the wall of forty-five boxes is especially inviting.

Marshall Allen, who played with Sun Ra for almost fifty years, has released an incredible collection of Sun Ra music. The two cd set has a few extras for those that have it all and the songs have been remastered but Allen did a great job of selecting the tunes. A far better round-up than Evidence’s “Greatest Hits” collection. This in more like “Mind Blowing Hits” but the songs are as comfortable as hanging out at the Archive.

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Ending Segregation

Leo Dodd Lighthouse painting in show at Creative Workshop in the Memorial Art Gallery
Leo Dodd Lighthouse painting in show at Creative Workshop in the Memorial Art Gallery

My father worked from his sketches of the Charlotte lighthouse to create this watercolor in class last week. Amazing to watch him work so quickly in an additive medium that is so unforgiving of missteps. There are, certainly, missteps whenever you stretch or do something new. He is not beyond putting the whole sheet in the bathtub and washing it out. And he has a short, stubby brush that he uses to scrub out small sections. I watched him the other night as he took some figures and a sign right out of an Adirondack scene. The color came up and ran all over the piece as he soaked it up with a sponge. It is nearly impossible to reclaim a white. Opaque white is a sickly looking substance. You protect whites and they are often the strongest element in the end. It is a dangerous but seductive process.

One week later this lighthouse painting is in a show in the gallery at the Creative Workshop and I was taking this photo of it, trying to dodge the reflections from the glass, when someone behind me exclaimed, “I love that painting.” I proudly said, “My dad did it,” and he said, “I teach the watercolor class.” All very cool but you have to wonder why most classes are segregated by medium. Fred Lipp’s “Advanced Painting” class is the exception. I recently switched from charcoal to watercolor and then oil and needed to be be reminded that the intent is exactly the same. A change in form can be described by change in color just as a change in form is described by a change in line.

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Pots & Pans

Dock on Genesee River near Turning Point Park
Dock on Genesee River near Turning Point Park

One of my mother’s hobbies was arranging the furniture in our house. She has a great eye and good taste and the rearrangements were often startling in their inventiveness. Sometimes they only lasted a few days. Noel, the cafe manager at the Little Theater, sent us an email last night Informing us that Margaret Explosion would be playing at the other end of the room. Apparently they’ve moved the grand piano and the whole space has been reoriented. Tonight I plan to set my drums up close enough to the dishwasher’s room to be able to incorporate the the pots and pans in my kit.

Listen to Ode To Joy by Margaret Explosion. The cover graphic is by the German Expressionist, Ernst Barlach.
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Make It Funke

Love It Or Leave Flag Decal 1969
Love It Or Leave Flag Decal 1969

Rich Funke’s website starts with this headline. “Good Morning sports fans, thanks for coming out:” My father put it this way. “It’s gotta be tough competing against a sportscaster.” Rich Funke lawn signs are everywhere. Nevermind that Ted O’Brien has admirably represented us in the NY State Senate and has boldly stood up for the environment. Funke says. “I’m not a politician.” That’s great. So how is he going to get anything done?

Mr. Funke came to our door but we were not home to experience him in person. When he stopped at our neighbor’s place Jared was up on his roof, relaxing in the sun. He had a bird’s eye view of the Funke hairpiece. My friend, Frank, has some politically astute reasons to just say, “No thanks.”

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Because They’re Cousins

My grandmother Tierney's birthday party in 1950 with me in my father's arms
My grandmother Tierney’s birthday party in 1950 with me in my father’s arms

We arrived a little late for our family reunion in the park pavilion. I don’t think they can really call it a “reunion” if it happens every year but it is not my call. We’re always a little late and so are most of the people in our family but this year everyone had eaten and the charcoal fires had already died down. We had thawed out some hot dogs, ones left over from another family picnic, but we forgot them. My brother-in-law offered us two left-over Hebrew Dogs, those skinny dark red links, not the fat juicy things that made this town, and we made do.

I sat next to our Niagara Falls cousins who had brought along this picture of the family. Their mom wasn’t married yet so she was pictured without my uncle. The first of seven, I was the only kid in my family at the time (upper right in my dad’s arms). My cousin, Greg, who is my age, is in his mother’s arms at the other end of the photo (see enlargement). By the time I had identified everyone in the photo and confirmed with my cousins, the meal was breaking up.

I was talking to Greg’s brother and a call from Greg came in on his phone. Greg is living in Arizona now and I hadn’t talked to him in ten years. He used to live in a house behind us on Brookfield Road and we played all the time. We double-dated and even went out with the same girl at one point, my dentist’s receptionist. He went to McQuaid and his parents threw him a graduation party where he took me aside to tell me, “Don’t tell anyone but I didn’t graduate.” He worked at Gray Metal across the street from Maracle industrial Finishing where I worked and we’d go out at night. He and his first wife bought a house near our’s in the city. He had two Great Dane’s and I went down in his basement one time and watched him scoop up the piles of dog shit with a snow shovel. He got into even larger animals and went to school to be a farrier. He shoed the Rochester Police Department horses when I was working for the City. My cousin was ready to let the call go to voicemail but I said, “I’ll talk to Greg” and he passed me his phone.

Greg was harboring some sort grudge that we were able to get past in the first few minutes and we had our own little ten-year reunion.

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Before We Gave Up Our Innocence

Sagamore Drive Estate sale painting
Sagamore Drive Estate sale painting

I like this 1951 winter scene. The 1951 painting was for sale at an estate sale on Sagamore Drive. We managed to look but not buy a thing. Rocco was there from Small World Books. He had scooped up a pile of books of course but when we ran into him in the garage, he was paying $20 for a really short, heavy old wooden rowboat.

Overnight Warren Phillips has one of the best gallery spaces in Rochester. He moved from his longtime frame shop on East Avenue over to the first floor, corner spot at Main and Goodman in the Hungerford Building and Pete Monacelli has the first show in the long front room. The white walls, lights and a beautiful old wood floor there make Pete’s “Searching For Home’ abstracts absolutely sing. Warren keeps regular hours too so you have plenty of time to stop in.

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Nice Tubs

Coast Guard station at Charlotte in Rochester New York
Coast Guard station at Charlotte in Rochester New York

In my parents’ day the circus use to pull into town on the train and stop right bend the Armory on East Main. Two nights ago, when we passed the place on the way to the Little they were padding old metal heads down on the front steps. Judas Priest was in the house. Last night it was the rapper, Nas and tonight my nephews will be there for Bassnectar.

Duane posted a 1978 photo today on fb that he took of my old drum set, a long exposure penlight portrait. I wish I still had that Slingerland set. I sold it to buy a louder set while I was in New Math. David Accorso, who was touring with Julio Iglesias at the time, came down to my basement and he picked up the rack mount tom and tapped it with his fingers. He smiled and said, “Ooo, these are some nice tubs,” and he handed me the cash. The small set was many ply and heavy. I bought a bigger, black Pearl set. The bass drum delaminated in no time. Maybe that was because I would stand on it during our set.

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Come Live With Me

We used to see movies all the time with our friends Kevin and Jeanne. Horror movies, anything, but then they moved to Nashville. When they visited last we loaded up our Netflix queue with their recent favs. Our list is now unrecognizable but “Valley of the Dolls” has been kicking around in there for a while. We watched it a few nights ago and I still have Dione Warwick’s theme song floating around in my head. I mentioned this to Peggi and she said she was unable to get Tony Scotti’s “Come Live With Me” dislodged.

Tony played Sharon Tate’s love interest, Tony Polar, in the 1967 film and delivered this over-the-top, beyond-the-grave version of the song. And then, near the end of the movie as I was somewhere between awake and a dream state, he reprises the the song in a duet with Patty Duke while he is in a wheelchair. I was imagining this bad movie as an updated, overblown opera. If you’re with me, check out Judy Garland’s screen tests for the movie. She got the part but was fired during filming for coming to work drunk and Susan Hayward replaced her.

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Manicured shrubs near Parkleigh in Rochester, New York
Manicured shrubs near Parkleigh in Rochester, New York

My guess is that we are all looking for a breakthrough. I was especially desperate last night and it just didn’t come. In fact, as I pushed paint around I only made matters worse. What felt like some sort of compulsion to smooth out rough edges was really the lack of confidence to follow through with the expressive nature of the first stabs, the ones that came from the gut and pack most of the punch. If it sounds like a fight that’s because it feels like one and I know if that struggle was evident in the end I would have a better piece.

Maybe Margaret Explosion will have a breakthrough tonight.


Jesus At Mr. Dominic’s

Jesus at Mr. Dominic's, Rochester, New York
Jesus at Mr. Dominic’s, Rochester, New York

A lot of restaurants aren’t even open on Mondays. Mr. Dominic’s at the lake in Charlotte is packed on Mondays. They went through some tough times (of their own making.) They have always had a faithful following, waiters and waitresses who had been there for decades, great chefs with hard core Italian cred and reasonable prices but when Dom (the guy with the profile) died the kids forgot to pay the taxman, or so we heard. The doors were shut. They remodeled. They reopened.

We were there early and I ordered my usual, Manicotti Elizabeth (with mushrooms). I had a good view of the back corner where an elderly (our age) couple was dining. I couldn’t help but notice the image of Christ in the faux marbleized wallpaper. So when Donald (Mr. Dominic’s son) strolled by I caught his attention. “What’s with Christ’s face on the wall over there?” “I know, I know. Isn’t that something? It came with the wallpaper.”

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To Invigorate

Fawn on Hoffman Road near marsh
Fawn on Hoffman Road near marsh

I road my bike over to my parents’ apartment this morning while Peggi was at yoga. My mom was just getting in from her exercise class and my dad looked like he had just woken up. There was a big crowd near the new addition to their place. Today was the grand opening of the fitness center. I asked my parents if they wanted to check it out and we took the tour. My dad signed up to learn more about the resistance machines and my mom signed up for swimming.

The pool room was surrounded by glass and so warm it felt like we were on a tropical island. I asked the attendant what the temperature was in there and he said, “The water is 87 and the air in there is 88. We keep the air one degree warmer than the water so it doesn’t fog up in there.”

Back home we pealed the solar cover off the street pool. We’re “on duty” this week and we decided to take a dip before running the robot. The water temperature there was 64 and the air is 76 so there is no danger of fog. The swim was invigorating.

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Grape Pies

Crowd at Naples Grape Fest before Margaret Explosion start
Crowd at Naples Grape Fest before Margaret Explosion start

Someone named Mike booked Margaret Explosion for this years Naples Grape Fest. We were a litle worried about the lengendairy traffic jams that happen in that vineyard laden valley but he said he would give us a secret route and a prime parking space. We were to play a one hour and fifteen set but we had to be there an hour ahead of time. We’re used to waltzing in at the last minute with just enough time to set up and get started.

Four of us drove down in the same car, our car. We let Bob drive and Ken sat in the front seat. Margaret and I sat in the back with all the equipment. Of course Ken didn’t bring his double bass and I had to take my bass drum apart to put both my snare and my seat inside the drum to save space. We stayed out of the wine tasting tents and strolled the grounds before our set. Peggi bought some fresh squeezed lemonade and I found a coffee stand. One vendor was selling giant dog bones and another had flooring samples. We played between Amanda Lee Peers, fresh from her debut on “The Voice,” and a Zydeco band. We left as they were being introduced. We listened to a recording of the gig on the way home. Both it and the scenery were out-a-sight.

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Art Making Weather

Courtyard near Rochester Art Supply
Courtyard near Rochester Art Supply

Peggi and I were camping out in our neighbor’s backyard when a storm came up quickly and forced us to take refuge in the back corner of their garage. We were huddled together on the concrete floor, wrapped in sleeping bags when I woke up. The neighbors, Mike and Carna, were standing over us. It was kind of cozy and all I could think was, “I’ve had this dream before and I want to go back there.” But it was beautiful out. Again.

Days with gorgeous weather are bad for making art. At least that is my experience. Beautiful days are made for wandering around town with no agenda or taking a walk in a new direction. My father emailed me us reminder of a sale Rochester Art Supply was having today. They had a tent set up in an empty lot near their store on West Main and they had some incredible deals on paper and packages of raw canvas. Richard Harvey was there and Liz Durand, artists loading up on supplies. When the weather does turn we’ll get down to business.

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Glass hearse behind motorcycle in front of Williams Fureral Home in Rochester, New York
Glass hearse behind motorcycle in front of Williams Fureral Home in Rochester, New York

I had a 9PM appointment to talk to Stephen Black in SPOKEN, an online mix of art, creative writing and virtual reality. I was given instructions to download this Unity gaming app but when I launched it I was told it could not be verified. I may just have to visit Singapore to hook up with Steve.

I’m thinking this may be the last weekend this year for the swimming pool on our street. There is so much color creeping into the greenery it makes want to try landscape painting.

We stopped into Hart’s, downtown’s newest grocery store, for the first time. They seemed a bit overstaffed or maybe there just wasn’t enough shoppers there. We were there at noon so we bought a yogurt and listened to the Mambo Kings who were playing in the parking lot. My grandfather, uncle and cousin (all three of them named Ray Tierney) were grocery store people. I shopped and worked in their stores when I was growing up and it seemed like a tough business with tiny margins. Hart’s seems like a dream. I hope it works out.

We left Hart’s to do our monthly shop over at the Abundance CoOp where as one hundred dollar shareholders we get 10 percent off once a month. They are planning to move to a bigger and better location on South Ave. and I wish them the best as well.

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Life & Death

Jeff Munson and Tim Schapp on Dartmouth Street in Rochester, New York 1976
Jeff Munson and Tim Schapp on Dartmouth Street in Rochester, New York 1976

Looking back, Tim, on the right in this photo, seems to have gone pretty fast although for him it was torturously slow. I was playing racquetball with him twice a week until six months before his passing and he was still beating me. He was on the varsity tennis team in high school. He was one of the fist people I met when I moved to Webster in the fifth grade. He had a swimming party every year near the end of school. I guess I should have known he was gay. We’d stay overnight and run around in the nude when his parents went to sleep.

He was visiting Peggi and me in Bloomington when he talked us into moving here (back to Rochester for me) in 1975. There was an apartment opening up in the old house he lived in on Dartmouth Street. I think Tom Burke had just moved out. Tim was always a blast and threw the best parties. Everybody loved him. His gay friend’s called him “Otto.” He had a sandwich named after him at Iggy’s. Our classmate and good friend, Charlie Coco, died before Tim. I remember telling Tim between racquetball sets that Charlie had died. Another classmate and Tim’s good friend, Danny Skipioni, died in San Francisco where he had gone looking for a cure. Our friend, Iolo, the dj at Danceteria who played HiTechs and helped produce the first Personal Effects record, was the first to go when no one knew what the disease was. A doctor told him to fly to Florida and sit in the sun to help heal his skin lesions. I think Bobby Moore had already passed. What a grizzly time the early eighties were.

I just saw Jeff, on the left above, last night at the Margaret Explosion gig.

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Man Vs. Beast

Concrete structure near Durand Lake in Rochester, New York
Concrete structure near Durand Lake in Rochester, New York

The trails that wrap the shorelines of Durand and Eastman Lake are some of the prettiest trails in the park. Most days you won’t see a soul and that only heightens the suspense when do cross paths with someone, usually a birder or their nemesis, the dog walker, sometimes a couple of lovers or urban fishermen with makeshift poles and drywall buckets.

Just before I took this shot we came across a couple, maybe twenty-five or so. The guy had his phone thrust forward framing a selfie with him and his girl in the woods. A sad little boy, maybe five or six, was standing behind them, left out of the shot. And the woman was holding onto a leash with a muscular, gray colored dog at the other end. The path here is narrow and the dog looked aggressive. We backed up into the woods to let them pass, just a few feet from us. The girl was holding the leash with both hands and as the guy asked her, “Do you have him?”

I love this little concrete structure on the west side of Eastman Lake. It is stately in all seasons and maintains its dignity even when assaulted by graffiti. It appears permanently boarded up now but I remember crawling inside. It might have been used as a pump house at one time because the lake levels are managed. It astounded me when I heard that these lakes were manmade a hundred years ago. How could man make something so beautiful?


Poor Moses

Moses receiving the Law (top) and reading the Law to the Israelites
Moses receiving the Law (top) and reading the Law to the Israelites

My father recently commented on how we never read the bible in Catholic school or in church for that matter. We had our Missal and there was plenty of scripture in the Mass but the Catechism was our bible and the Pope had the final word. Protestants are always going around quoting the bible, the literal word of god, and us former Catholics (if that is indeed possible) are left in the dust.

I was reading an online article about ISIS and one of the comments referred to Deuteronomy 13:6–10 to justify some damn thing. I had to look it up.

 “If your brother, the son of your mother, or your son or your daughter or the wife you embrace or your friend who is as your own soul entices you secretly, saying, ‘Let us go and serve other gods,’ which neither you nor your fathers have known, some of the gods of the peoples who are around you, whether near you or far off from you, from the one end of the earth to the other, you shall not yield to him or listen to him, nor shall your eye pity him, nor shall you spare him, nor shall you conceal him. But you shall kill him. Your hand shall be first against him to put him to death, and afterward the hand of all the people. You shall stone him to death with stones, because he sought to draw you away from the Lord your God, who brought you out of the land of Egypt, out of the house of slavery.”


I Am Not Angry

Crime Guy source material in studio
Crime Guy source material in studio

I was ready to try something else, maybe watercolors of trees. I even rounded up my photos of trees, shots with trees as the subject, and put them in an album on my iPad. I did three or four watercolors from those sources but then glanced down at this array, the source material for “Models From Crime Page.”

I felt the pull again. Part of the allure is the way they are shot, flat and point blank. But the rich poses transcend the setting. Maybe these photos, the source material is as good as it gets. That thought is also part of the allure. Why am I, a happy go lucky guy, drawn to these characters? If I knew the answer to that one I would not torturing myself to to make art.

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Picturing Patrons In The Nude

Museum Hours director, Jem Cohen at George Eastman House in Rochester, New York
Museum Hours director, Jem Cohen at George Eastman House in Rochester, New York

I’m so happy Louise invited us to “Museum Hours” last night at the Dryden. We met for a drink beforehand at Carrol’s and Mathew wore his “Dean & Britta shirt. There was some sort of retirement party so we sat outside. The mosquittos chased us out just before showtime.

I was the first to raise my hand when they opened the floor to questions from the director, Jem Cohen. I was bugged by the moderator’s lengthy discussion of of the relationship between the museum guard and the visiting Canadian. I didn’t think that was what the movie was about and I was hoping to hear the director bring the discussion around to art, appreciation of it and an understanding of where the urge to create comes from. I ran circles around that thought and confused myself more than him. He takes his time and gives very careful answers, the exact opposite of my process.

I loved how he dove into the paintings in Vienna’s Kunsthistorisch and cut to his hauntingly beautiful scenes of the dreary, winter city. Back to the the museum, the Rembrandts and especially the Bruegals and then to the museum guard studying the patrons the way we studied the paintings. That connection to Bruegal’s process picturing museum goers as subjects for paintings crosses centuries of art making urges. I thought it was quite powerful and beautifully expressed. A fine tribute to fine art.

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Out On A Limb

Mathew Shipp and Michael Bisio performing at the Bop Shop in Rochester, New York
Mathew Shipp and Michael Bisio performing at the Bop Shop in Rochester, New York

Was Matthew Shipp’s performance at the Bop Shop part of the Fringe Fest or did it just blow away any of the other performances that we didn’t see Friday night? Shipp is amazing. His duo, with Michael Bisio on bass, played for an hour and a half straight. That is, no breaks at all. Melodic pieces overlapped one another and morphed into something else before your eyes. I had mine closed for maximum effect.

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